Meals at the center consist out of a variety of food items that will help our students to stay in good health. Part of the food items are grown in our greenhouse, planted, taking care and harvested by our students and gardening teacher.
Our goal is to become financial independent as soon as possible. We hope to achieve this through support from local authorities, but mainly through our income generating activities, the bakery and garment enterprise.
We are offering the following programs at Marianne Center; gardening, ADL (Activities of Daily Living), sports, beauty lessons, sewing, cooking, music, computer lessons, baking, and a variety of handicrafts.
On a regular basis we organize open days, awareness walks, nature walks and we use media to inform Kenyans about the capabilities of people who are mentally
challenged. Also through events like our nature walks, the graduation of our
students, and other events we invite people to, we bring the community in closer contact with mentally challenged people.
Images say more than words, so click on the links below to see more photos of our
awareness events.